#FITBRITCHESFITNESSCHALLENGE Your Week 2- 20 minute workout!

Why is Exercise Important?

  • Helps Prevent Diseases – Our bodies were made to move and exercise is vital for good health. It reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure just to name a few.
  • Improves Stamina – Your body uses energy to fuel itself when you exercise, regular exercise increases your stamina by training your body to use less energy for the same amount of work.
  • Controls Weight – Exercise is the one of the key ingredients to weight control because it burns calories. If you burn more calories than you take in then you will lose weight, simple!
  • Improves Quality of Life – By exercising regularly you will discover many more reasons why it is important in improving the quality of your life. Exercise reduces stress, lifts moods and helps you sleep better.

With all this in mind, let’s jump straight into our #fitnessfriday workout for the week!


Exercise 1 – 1 minute of Knee Lifts

Exercise 2 - 1 minute of Lunges

Exercise 3 – 30 second Plank

Exercise 4 – 30 seconds Jogging on the spot

Exercise 5 – 1 minute of Star Jumps

Rest for 1 minute

Repeat x 4


Don't forget that if you love this and want more you need to join the #fitbritchchallenge

What is the #fitbritchchallenge? All you need is:

1 pair of fitbritches skinny shorts www.fitbritches.com/products/skinny-shorts 

Internet connection so that you can access our latest weekly workouts

1 tape measure

A twitter or facebook account

Follow @fitbritches and like facebook page 

Every week on a Friday we’ll be calling all of our #fitbritchchallengebeauties to share their progress, results, problems with our resident fitness experts and on the last Friday of every month we’ll be looking for our #fitbritchchallenge winner…

How do I become a winner? Easy just drop 2 jean sizes in less than 2 months to be in with a chance of winning a collection of fitbritches goodies worth over £49.99! 

Good Luck! 

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