SXCGLO (Sunnah - Xtracts - Cure) is a halal skincare range inspired by Islam. Using ingredients referenced in the Quran for its healing benefits. It all started when Farnaz had hyperpigmentation from third degree burns after a beauty treatment went wrong. Doctors told her she was lucky she didn't go blind. Her story has been featured in the national press
Determined to heal. She searched high and low on the market for a solution only to find the products she found on the market were too strong for her damaged skin barrier, contained risky ingredients, were expensive, or they were not potent enough.
"To feel the pits because of your skin is something I want to change. It has a massive impact on or self esteem and mental well being. I've been there! My mission is to help people so when they look in the mirror they are happy and confident. I believe that God tested me so I could bring healing to others, I'm just a gateway for people the Almighty want to bless and this is all part of God's plan"
SXCglo harnesses the power of nature using ingredients referenced in the Quran for healing (Shifa) and Sadaqah to bring out the best in you and your well being
Our clean plant based beauty products are vegan and cruelty free.
Farnaz believes in putting purpose at the heart of her business and pledges to give sadaqah (charity) recommended by Prophet Muhammad PBUH to those in need with every purchase. She does this for her customer’s healing, in memory of her dad and all the deceased.
Over the years she has been proactive in helping the vulnerable, from grass root projects helping people in poverty, to providing wheelchairs for the less abled, mentoring in schools, colleges, universities and the community, Farnaz’s passion for charity has been instilled in her by her father.
Sadly Farnaz lost her father to coronavirus in 2020. Shortly after she raised and donated thousands of food packs and wheelchairs across the UK, Africa, Asia and the middle east.
Sxcglo pledges to donate meals to someone in need for every bottle sold for her customers healing and in memory of her father and all the deceased.
Little actions add up to big things, and that drives our commitment to our customers and our community.
Let's make a positive difference to your well being and the world we live in.
Help the less fortunate and achieve your skin goals all through the power of your purchase. SXCGLO pledge to donate meals to those in need with every purchase. Be beautiful inside out!!
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